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Charitable Giving

GiftsForYouNow.com is committed to doing our part to improve the lives of those hit by misfortune.
We donate our time to supporting good causes, both locally and globally. In addition, we will contribute a portion of the proceeds of every sale to one of the following organizations:
  • American Red Cross Disaster Relief
    On January 12, a series of earthquakes measuring 6.5 to 7.3 on the Richter scale devastated Haiti.The American Red Cross is working with its partners in the global Red Cross and Red Crescent network, including the Haitian Red Cross, and other partners to assist those affected by this disaster.

  • Breast Cancer Awareness
    Imagine life without breast cancer where your mother, daughter, sister or friend doesn’t have to worry if she will be the one-in-eight women diagnosed with the disease.
    While we have made tremendous progress in the fight, people are still dying from breast cancer and that’s unacceptable. At Susan G. Komen for the Cure®, we are working every minute of every day to save every life, and we need your help.
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
    Type 1 diabetes is a disease which strikes children suddenly and requires multiple injections of insulin daily or a continuous infusion of insulin through a pump. By supporting JDRF's mission to find a cure you won't only be saving children, you will be saving childhoods

 American Red Cross                                     


With your help, we can make a difference in people's lives.

Thank you.

Gifts For You LLC